Hey Mamas!
  Do you want to spend your time on what matters MOST...prayer & blessing for your children?

Get the tools you need to pray SPECIFICALLY and POWERFULLY for your kids every day!

Get the tools you need to pray SPECIFICALLY and
POWERFULLY for your kids...in a simple and easy way!

Are you asking, "How do I keep my kids safe, as the culture changes quickly around me?"
Corona, scandals, predators, and the changing values of our culture are a few things that keep us up at night!

We know our kids need protection....but sometimes we wonder what to do.

I believe we can start by intentionally praying for our children every day!

You do not need a great track record in prayer or a degree in theology. 

You just need a PLAN to make daily prayer happen...and tools to make it EASY!

Begin now with the very simple Digital Blessing Tools "Guided Prayer Journal."
Introducing the...
Your Impact for Eternity: Done!

With the Guided Prayer Journal you can use these 5 tools...

1. POWER PRAYER: Spend ONE MINUTE a day speaking your Power Prayer.

2. SON & DAUGHTER PRAYER: Go deeper with specific prayer points to cover each of your children individually...backed by scripture.

3. SPECIFIC PRAYER POINTS: 18 topic ideas for how to pray specifically, according to their strengths and weaknesses.

4. PROCESS PAIN: Help them process pain from every day hurts and wounds in 4 simple steps!

5. MY PRAYERS and MY LETTERS: Keep a record of your prayers for their current needs and write a letter of hope to them!


With this journal you will have a PLAN TO PRAY!

You will feel confident, knowing your children are always covered in intentional prayer and blessing!

Get the 1,000 Generations Blessing Tools...

Just Picture This...

You wake up each day and in less than 1 minute you…

👉 Bless your kids for generations to come

👉 Speak life and hope over their daily life

👉 Pray Biblically about their future

👉 Take your rightful authority and speak protection over them

This Digital "Guided Prayer Journal" will help you know exactly how to pray and bless your children so they can walk in protection, destiny and calling!

Who is this for?

This is for busy Moms who have...

- a baby on the way 
- children or teens
- adult children

These tools are also great for grandmas and aunts who want to pray over their family!

You can use these 5 tools ANYWHERE!

Print them out OR view them on your phone!

If you like to print things out on paper, you can easily use these sheets during your quiet time or when you journal!

Or on your phone before you get out of bed...

Or on your tablet during your morning coffee...

Or on your phone waiting in the car...

What's Inside...

Tool #1:
One Minute Power Prayer

Would you like to pray blessing and favor over your children on these topics?
  • Destiny 
  • Identity
  • Plans
  • Giftings
  • Protection
  • Blessing & Favor
  • Destiny 
  • Identity
  • Plans
  • Giftings
  • Protection
  • Blessing & Favor

 Tool #2:
 Son & Daughter Prayer

Do you want to pray for your son or daughter to be a mighty man or woman of God?

 Declare life over them, according to their specific strengths and weaknesses.

Tool #3:
Specific Prayer Points

Is your child or teen struggling with anger? insecurity? friendships? rejection? other things?

To go along with the Son or Daughter Prayer, this tool shows you how to pray for key areas in the opposite spirit, including scripture.

Tool #4:
Process Pain Sheets

Not sure how to help your child heal from everyday hurts or wounds?

Use 4 simple steps to help your child or teen process pain and emotions...so they can walk in confidence, freedom and joy!

Tool #5:
My Prayers

Want to keep track of YOUR prayers and the answers God gives you?

Use this sheet as an encouragement to keep praying and not give up!

Practically speaking....
what does “declaring blessing” 
over our children actually look like?

Pray intentionally and speak blessing daily - so your children can walk in favor for generations.
Help your children process everyday hurts & wounds - so they can experience confidence, freedom and joy!
This life is short....like a fleeting breath of air.  But praying and helping our children heal goes on for eternity!

Practically speaking....
what does “declaring blessing” 
over our children actually look like?

Pray intentionally and speak blessing daily - so your children can walk in favor for generations.
Help your children process everyday hurts & wounds - so they can experience confidence, freedom and joy!
This life is short....like a fleeting breath of air.  But praying and helping our children heal goes on for eternity!

20 Years From Now

20 years from now there will be many things that will make you feel proud of how you mothered your kids.

And perhaps looking back there will be a few moments that were not your best.

But praying over your kids can be the thing you know you did well!

In fact, you can pray specifically and powerfully for your kids in one minute a day!

Yes….you can do this!
Without a plan, often prayer doesn't happen.  

Good news! The  "Guided Prayer Journal" makes it simple and easy to PLAN to pray...and to know what to say! 
You can print them off (or look on your phone) and begin now!

You got this, Mama!

Frequent + Fervent Prayer =
Forever Impact

You got this, Mama!

Frequent + Fervent Prayer =
Forever Impact


Erin: Mom of 4 Kids


The Thousand Generations "Guided Prayer Journal" has been a game changer for my family. It has made my prayer time for my children so intentional. 

I have already begun to see the fruit of applying the one minute prayers to my daily routine! 

Thank you for providing the blueprint to step into declaring blessings over my kids and their kids!”

Meet Julie Ostrand

Let me introduce myself. I’m Julie Ostrand….mother of 6 children.

14 years, 12 years, 8 years, 6 years and 4 years. And one was miscarried and currently enjoying a vibrant life with grandparents in heaven. 

Our 12-year-old daughter has special needs – Down syndrome and autism.

My husband and I have been married for nearly 20 years and were missionaries in Africa for 5 of those years.

With a busy life, I  was desperate to find time to make a prayer a priority for my family!

I knew that at the end of the day, my prayers would be what matters most for my children's daily life right now....and their future! 
It took me years to refine this  "Guided Prayer Journal" and I want to pass them on to you so that you can pray specifically, effectively and powerfully for YOUR family (even with limited time).
With these tools you will feel confident and ready to spend your time on WHAT WILL MATTER MOST 100 years from now...prayer and blessing for your children!
Questions? Please email julie@thousandgenerations.com

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